Here are some useful websites for parents and children. Please pass other sites on to us.
Educational and Fun
Lucky's Plott, A Plott Hound Tale - Did you know the North Carolina state dog is the Plott Hound? Check out this site by author and presenter, Libby Bagby and her Plot Hound, Lucky. Her illustrated children's book is called, Lucky's Plott.
North Carolina Directory of Performers - This is part of Youth Services at the State Library of N.C. There is a link to N.C. performers for children including puppetry, storytelling, magic, and more.
North Carolina Kid’s Pages - There are lots of fun activities & information on these 2 state sites.
Office of the Governor's Kid's Page
Secretary of State's Kid's Page
North Carolina Museums Council (NCMC) - This is a very comprehensive site of museums, historic sites, and science centers. There is even a section for children's museums and centers.
Parenting Magazines - These parenting magazines cover most of the state.
ServicesAction for Children North Carolina - The mission of Action for Children is to advocate for child well-being by educating and engaging all people across the state to ensure that N.C. children are healthy, safe, well-educated and have every opportunity for success. It was started in 1983.
North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) - This State agency works with children and youth, families and adults, people with disabillities, older adults, and health and Medicaid issues.
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