N.C. Products

Arts and Crafts
Beverages and Food
Home and Garden
Literature and Media

Businesses Promoting NC Products


MINNC Hunger Challenge

N.C. Resources

Economic Development
Funding Sources
Performing Arts
Places to Visit
Science, Biotechnology
Sports and Recreation

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Cape Hatteras

Cape Hatteras - The Outer Banks

Moravian Cemetery, Old Salem

Easter Sunday, Moravian Cemetery at Old Salem, Winston-Salem

NC Transportation Museum - Spencer

N.C. Transportation Museum - Spencer

Photographs by Suzi Moore © 2006, 2009, 2010

About Us

Sixteen years ago, I had envisioned a store featuring North Carolina arts and crafts, books, food, etc.  Over time, the concept grew.  Perhaps it was the years of selling my art work at North Carolina festivals – meeting other N.C. vendors and learning their stories as well as talking with customers who loved buying North Carolina products.  Or maybe it was my conversations with people in small towns who worry that they are falling through the economic development cracks, and would love to be a part of a “made in North Carolina” presence.  In reality, it’s all of this and more.

The overriding mission of Made in North Carolina (or MINNC, for short) is to promote North Carolina, and North Carolina made products and producers.  The company is in its infancy, and continues to grow and change.  The first two phases have been completed - a comprehensive list of useful N.C. websites, and over 180 photographs of N.C. scenes.  As we travel to more places and find new websites, we will add them.  If we’re missing something that should be on here, or if any of the information is incorrect, please let us know.  

We are working on 1) adding more links to local producers of N.C. products that can be purchased directly from them, 2) selling items online, and
3) developing other MINNC projects

If you have any suggestions or ideas on fulfilling the mission, we’d love to hear from you.  We would also like to know, “Are you made in North Carolina?” Please feel free to contact us.  And, whenever possible, please support and promote North Carolina products and businesses.  Thank you very much!

Suzi Moore