Arts and Crafts
N.C. Festivals and Events
Whether the festival is food-themed such as the N.C. Barbecue Festival in Lexington, has a holiday focus like the Fourth of July Festival in Southport, or is more specific to arts and crafts like Lazy Days in Cary, you will find plenty of N.C. arts and crafts.
North Carolina Association of Festivals and Events - If you are a vendor, show coordi-nator, or just someone who loves to go to N.C. festi-vals and events, this is an excellent site. And it is a North Carolina-based organization!
North Carolina Arts Council (Events Calendar) - This has a good "current month" listing of events and festivals, or you can search for future events. (Calendar Search) - is the official State tourism site. This specific link will take you directly to the "Calendar Search" page for festivals and events. (Local Travel Bureaus) - This is a great link to local and county tourism organiza-tions throughout the state.